Bung Jagoi Mountain Climb 19th August

We joined Sam and his family along with AJ for a weekend climb to the Bung Jagoi. It is a heritage site for the Bidayuhs (Jagoi clan). My family (dad's side) originated from this mountain village but they have moved down to Duyoh Village. 

My family did attempt the climb back in 1985 when my mom was heavily pregnant with my sister. It was a trip during the Gawai celebration but we never made it to the top as my mom was not that fit with the baby inside her. I remembered how frustrating it was when my dad told us that we'd have to ditch the idea and return. So since then, I have never made it up there. It's rather ironic for a Jagoi Bidayuh not to climb the Bung Jagoi(I climbed the Singai Mountain instead)... 

But finally, I made it. 
Here are some photo. Enjoy! 


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